Say Hello to X (Twitter) New Feature: Free Audio and Video Calls for Everyone

In a big step forward, Elon Musk’s social media platform, X (Twitter), has changed how we communicate online by adding free audio and video calls. Musk wants to make X a one-stop platform for everyone’s needs.

X (Twitter) app audio and video calling feature

Key Highlights:

  • Calling features seamlessly integrated into X’s Direct Messaging, enhancing user convenience.
  • Users can customize privacy settings, controlling who can initiate calls for added security.
  • X (Twitter) is working more than just the calling feature. They’re also planning to use AI to add peer-to-peer payments and to improve the platform.

X (Twitter) engineer Enrique Barragan recently announced a big change in X’s strategy. Now, everyone can use the audio and video calling features, not just premium subscribers. This shows X’s commitment to making its services available to everyone.

How to Make Calls on X (Twitter):

To make calls on X (Twitter), users can follow these simple steps:

  • Open the X app on your Android or iOS smartphone.
  • Navigate to the Direct Messages (DM) section within the app.
  • Choose an existing DM conversation or start a new one with the person you wish to call.
  • Tap on the phone icon within the conversation.
  • Select either ‘Audio Call’ or ‘Video Call’ to initiate the call.
  • The recipient will receive a notification indicating that you are trying to call them.
  • Users can manage their call settings, including who can call them, by accessing the Settings option in the top right corner of the app.

This new update is the result of X’s efforts to improve their platforms for users and maintain other social media sites. Initially introduced for iOS users and later extended to Android devices, the decision to offer these features to all users aligns with Musk’s broader vision for X as an “everything” application.

Users can now seamlessly initiate audio and video calls directly from the X (Twitter) app, eliminating the need to share phone numbers or incur additional costs. Adding these features to Direct Messaging (DM) makes it easier and more convenient to communicate on the platform.

Despite initial limitations requiring interactions via DMs for call connectivity, users now have the flexibility to adjust their settings and choose to receive calls from a wider pool of users, including those they follow or have saved in their contacts. Users can adjust based on the way they communicate to gain more control over their conversations that are important to them.

Besides offering free audio and video calls, X (Twitter) now gives users strong privacy options. Users can control their call settings and decide who can call them. They can enjoy better communication features and prohibit calls for contacts, follow-up accounts, or verified users while ensuring privacy.

Moreover, X (Twitter) is not just focusing on audio and video calls; they’re planning to introduce peer-to-peer payments, AI-powered features, and new advertising products. Although advertisers faced challenges like moving away from the platform, X is firm in encouraging their users to continue innovation and improvement.

As more people use these new tools, X (Twitter) is becoming the top choice in social media, offering lots of services to meet everyone’s needs worldwide. Now on their fingers with free audio and video calling, users can expect a rich and more immersive communication experience on X (Twitter).

In short, Elon Musk’s X (Twitter) has made a huge change in social media by providing free audio and video calls for everyone. This proves that X (Twitter) is dedicated to helping all users, which leads to shaping the future of social networking.


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